Thursday, August 6, 2009

Rest in Peace Susan. WIN!

I am very sad to have read this post today. I have followed these folks lives for over a year now and FC has been very open about a lot of things. Elden is a very stong man and my heart goes out to him and his family. I am so sorry.

I will be racing in my Fat Cyclist jersey on Sunday. Other than contributing to team fatty and his livestrong effort (perhaps I should have joined the team for Philly?), but other than contributing, there is nothing I can do, but I can and will the jersey Sunday in honor of Susan.

Go hug your wife/husband/child(ren)/dad/mom/brother/sister/dog/cat/neighbor. Enjoy the each day and embrace it. Each is truly a gift and you never know if will get the same gift tomorrow. Make each one count.

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